We work with international clients across multiple industries, from global mining, multi-national pharmaceutical and bio-medical to aerospace.
Anglo American plc is a global mining company – it is the world's largest platinum producer.
Established Ethics & Anti-corruption Policy, procedures and training
Advised Board on import of UK Bribery Act and US Foreign & Corrupt Practices Act
Revised “Good Citizenship: Our Business Principles”, co-ordinated global rollout
Represented company to United National Global Compact (UNGC), Transparency International (T), Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) and others
AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biomedical company headquartered in the UK.
Established company’s Third Party Due Diligence Policy and Procedures
Designed and delivered Ethics & Compliance training for Representatives
Advised on revision of the AstraZeneca Code of Conduct for employees
Advised on cross-policy implementation of the UK Bribery Act 2010
ERG us the largest mining company Kazakhstan, with extensive operations in South Africa and cobalt re-processing in the DRC. The company employs 80,000 people globally.
6.5 years in London and Luxembourg offices
Implementing Anti-corruption Policy & procedures, designing related online and workshop training
Leading Third Party Due Diligence, Gap Analysis
Human Rights Policy and procedures – establishing, Impact Assessment and Due Diligence
Revising Policies – Code, Anti-corruption, Ministerial Visits, Gifts & Entertainment
Airbus Group is a European aerospace and defense company with operations spanning Netherlands, France, Uk and Spain. Airbus manufactures aeroplanes and defense technology.
Creating and delivering fun, innovative training.
Advising on innovative methods of enhancing delivery of the Airbus Code of Conduct and Anti-corruption training including Gifts & Entertainment and Conflicts of Interests
Contributing to Airbus Annual Compliance Training Conference for employees
Conflict of Interests Workshop – devised and delivered group workshops in UK